Date: 8th Sept 2012
Location: Kilmashogue & 2Rock
Distance: 10.5k (Approx)
Time: 2h35m
Weather: Clear and bright and quite sunny.
Parks down at Cruagh wood and travelled up into the forrect to try and get to the peak, had to return to the trail a little due to fencing along the forrrect. Took a small gap afte the fencing ended off trail to the top of Cruagh Mt. I then travlled south east towards Glenadoo Mt(582) across the marshy ground and across Owenthrasna. This was tough going and as the ground was soft under foot along the way and slowed me down a bit. When I got to the top of 582 I turned West for the main peak at 590. As I crossed the sumit and headded towards White Sands Mt, I walked into a deep boggy hole and my right foot disappeared up to my crotch, I lunge forward and my left leg went into a less bogy part up to my knee, I gripped the ground in front as as quickly as possible pulled myself out of it. Not fun,was wet and covered in mushy green rotten vegatation. I travelled across White Sands trying to avoid any more marsh and stoped at a rocky area for some lunch and to let the sun dry me off. I took the trail back down North West towards the car. I took a side trail and crossed Gldoo Brook and across a fild and down a very steep slope, bout 15 feet, to the road. Back on trail into Cruagh Wood and took a direct route back to the car.
Used compas and East/West Mapping map to guide me along the way. Mostly this was practice from the MSC1 course completed earlier in the year.